~ ~ ~
There was a time when I needed more than I got.
Confused and upset was my middle name.
With time, I realized that being just me was fine.
Only that takes a long time to get to that place.
I wanted so much.
I got only a glimmer.
Was sad for the wanting
that didn't get satisfied.
Knowing how well I could have done.
Never getting that chance.
It took several years to be OK with it.
Not being what I thought I would.
Living a totally different life.
Setting new goals.
Being a person who did what had to be done.
It takes a toll on a soul.
Today, I know what it takes.
The journey and breaking down.
If I could tell myself, that I'd be fine.
That the worry wasn't worth it.
That time machine called life
would kick me so many times
that I'd get used to it.
Nah, the journey.
It's the walking along that path
that gets us to the moments
we are in.
Was my walk hard.
At times, yes it was.
Others got while I did not.
The learning curve was high.
Each time, I would evaluate.
Knowing that it was worth it.
So, as I sit here thinking
about my life,
I know that for the most part
I had a hell of a ride
and would do it all again.
~ JC ~
(These are my thoughts as I go into my
sort of dangerous surgery tomorrow.
I could be fine, if everything goes well.
A bit sore (to say the least) and should
recover after a few weeks.
Or, things go wrong.
Oh well, I'm used to that.
Anyway, it's been a fun ride.
Bumpy but what a great view I had.)