Friday, February 15, 2013

Thoughts Of You

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The past waits.
Unclear as to when it will come back.
And, come back it will.
No warnings.
Just sitting there.
Staring you in the face.
Haven't thought of you in a while.
Yet, you sat there like it was yesterday.
Reminding me of what I lost.
Youth and the mind set that goes with it.
Could I really have been that young.
Done all of those things.
And, walked away and never looked back.
Seems like a life time ago.
Someone else's life, not mine.
You smiled at me with the smirk of yours.
Knowing all that we went through.
The pain it took to walk from you.
Still you remind me of who I was.
Hidden within she still is.
Forgotten but part of who I am today.
I look back and see you for the reason you are.
Not to go over the bad but to remind of the new.
You will always be a part of me.
Even if I'd forgotten, just for a while,
who you were.

~ JC ~

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