Monday, August 30, 2010

I So Wish

I went to the Ocean for my birthday.
I'm getting so old that it takes what seems
 like a whole army to get me there.
Once I did get to the shore, this is who met me.
Fog was all around but I swam
to the sounds of the shore.
There I found sandpipers and a gull.
Just looking at the wonders of the sea.
I had a marvelous time.
Could have been there forever.
Wish I could be.
Back to my normal life which isn't really normal.
Thank God for photos to remind me
 of what means the most to be.
My freedom.
The part of me that still remains.
My childhood days of running the beach.
I so wish I could be there now.

~ JC ~

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Barrel of Color

This is one of my front yard barrels. It sits at the end of my driveway or the beginning depending on how you see it. Since, I only go to this part of the driveway to water, I say that it is at the end. I think the colors came out well this year. Each time I try to get the right mixture. I always end up too busy to take care of them like I should but I think that it looks darn good considering it has me as a Mom. If barrels have Mom's ...
~ JC ~
